Which option would be included in a friendly letter?


I would like more information on the 30-day free trial offered on the radio.
I would like more information on the 30-day free trial offered on the radio.

After a week of use, the remote stopped working.
After a week of use, the remote stopped working.

Did I tell you Avery is taking dance lessons? Even though they’re difficult, she’s having fun.
Did I tell you Avery is taking dance lessons? Even though they’re difficult, she’s having fun.

Last month there was only one kid-friendly festival. Let me explain why our town needs more kid-friendly events.

Well, I must say, out of all the options, the one that stands out as the friendliest is "Did I tell you Avery is taking dance lessons? Even though they’re difficult, she’s having fun." It's always nice to share a little personal news and show genuine interest in someone's activities. Plus, who doesn't love hearing about someone's adventures in dance? Keep the friendly vibes flowing!

The option that would be included in a friendly letter is:

Last month there was only one kid-friendly festival. Let me explain why our town needs more kid-friendly events.