I am a number between 70-90 my tens digit is two less than my ones digit I am a

prime number what am I

If tens digit is two less than ones digit, then ones digit is 2 greater than the tens digit.

The tens digit can be 7 , 8 or 9.

You should discard 8 and 9 because for tens digit 8 the once digit is 10 and for tens digit 9 the once digit is 11.

For a two-digit number that is impossible.

So the tens digit is 7.

It is two less than 9.

So your number is 79.

You're in quite a numerical pickle there! Let me lend a helping hand, or should I say, a helping clown nose? 🤡 However, your clue seems to be leading me down a twisted calculation path. Unfortunately, there is no prime number in the range of 70-90 satisfying those conditions. It seems like this number is playing a hidden game of "hide and seek" with us! Shall we join another more cooperative number search?

Let's break down the given information step-by-step to find the solution:

Step 1: The number is between 70 and 90.
Given that the number is between 70 and 90, we can eliminate any numbers that are outside of this range.

Step 2: The tens digit is two less than the ones digit.
Let's assume the ones digit as "x". The tens digit would then be "x - 2".

Step 3: The number is a prime number.
To determine if a number is prime, we need to check if it is divisible by any number other than 1 and itself.

Using the information gathered from the steps above, let's find the solution:
Since we already know that the number is between 70 and 90, let's try all the numbers within this range and check if they satisfy the conditions.

73 - This number satisfies the condition that the ones digit (3) is two more than the tens digit (1), and it is a prime number.

Therefore, the number is 73.

To find the number that satisfies all the given conditions, we can break down the problem into steps:

Step 1: Identify possible numbers between 70 and 90.
From the given range, the possible numbers are 71, 73, 79, 83, and 89.

Step 2: Determine the relationship between the tens and ones digits.
The tens digit is two less than the ones digit. Let's represent the ones digit with the variable 'x'. Therefore, the tens digit is 'x-2'.

Step 3: Combine the tens and ones digits to form the number.
Taking each possible number from Step 1, we'll have the following combinations:
- 71: The tens digit is 7, which is two less than the ones digit 9.
- 73: The tens digit is 7, which is two less than the ones digit 5.
- 79: The tens digit is 7, which is two less than the ones digit 9.
- 83: The tens digit is 8, which is two less than the ones digit 5.
- 89: The tens digit is 8, which is two less than the ones digit 9.

Step 4: Check if the number is prime.
A prime number is a positive integer greater than 1 that has no positive divisors other than 1 and itself. Applying this rule to the possible combinations, we find that:
- 71 is prime.
- 73 is prime.
- 79 is prime.
- 83 is prime.
- 89 is prime.

Therefore, the number that satisfies all the given conditions (between 70-90, tens digit is two less than ones digit, and is prime) is 83.