How is the idea of luck prsented in the Rocking Horse Winner?

Was the boy in the story Lucky?
I do think he was. i THINK the fact that he had a desire to accomplish what he set out to do he was sucessful. IT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH LUCK

One can be either lucky or unlucky. Both are considered forms of luck! Which do you think of from the perspective of the mother? the son? the others?


In "The Rocking Horse Winner" by D.H. Lawrence, the idea of luck is presented in a complex manner. On the surface, the story revolves around a young boy named Paul who becomes obsessed with finding luck in order to satisfy his mother's insatiable desire for money. Paul believes that he can predict winning horses by riding his rocking horse violently, which represents his desperate search for luck.

From the mother's perspective, luck is portrayed as something external that can be obtained through material wealth. She believes that luck is directly linked to money and believes her family is unlucky due to their financial situation. The mother relentlessly pursues wealth and believes that it will bring her the happiness she seeks.

From the son's perspective, luck is portrayed as something to be gained through determination and hard work. Paul believes that by riding his rocking horse and focusing intensely, he can choose the winning horses and bring financial success to his family. His belief in his own abilities and his determination to overcome the family's financial struggles shape his understanding of luck.

From the perspective of others in the story, luck is seen as a capricious force, impossible to control or understand. The uncle and the family's gardener, Bassett, see Paul's success in predicting horse race winners as a matter of luck rather than skill or determination. They both seek to profit from Paul's seemingly supernatural abilities, highlighting the different interpretations and perspectives on luck within the story.

In conclusion, the concept of luck in "The Rocking Horse Winner" is presented from various perspectives. The story explores how different characters perceive and pursue luck, highlighting the complexity and ambiguity surrounding the idea.