What is the local time of a place on longitude 64degree east when the GMT is 10:00am

To determine the local time of a place on a specific longitude when the GMT is known, you need to take into account the time difference due to longitude.

The Earth is divided into 24 time zones, each spanning 15 degrees of longitude. The Prime Meridian, which passes through Greenwich, London, is designated as 0 degrees longitude and serves as the reference point for Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).

To calculate the time difference for a specific location, you can use the fact that each time zone represents a difference of one hour from the preceding or following zone.

In this case, you mentioned a longitude of 64 degrees east. To determine the time difference from the Prime Meridian, you divide 64 by 15 (as each time zone spans 15 degrees) and round the result to the nearest whole number.

64 degrees east / 15 degrees per time zone = 4.27

Therefore, the time difference is approximately 4 hours and 16 minutes ahead of GMT. Since the given GMT is 10:00 am, you add the time difference to the GMT to find the local time.

10:00 am + 4 hours 16 minutes = 2:16 pm local time

So, the local time at a place on longitude 64 degrees east when the GMT is 10:00 am would be approximately 2:16 pm.