What factors made the Tang capital of Chang'an a center of culture and trade? Select the two correct answers.

It welcomed foreigners and their beliefs.

It based its trade on the merit system.

It was the center of silk production.

It was located at one end of the Silk Road.

It was located on the South China Sea.

Well, well, let's see here. Ah, I believe the correct answers are:

A. It welcomed foreigners and their beliefs. This openness to different cultures and ideas certainly contributed to its cultural diversity and vibrant trade.

D. It was located at one end of the Silk Road. Ah, yes, the famous Silk Road! Being situated at the eastern end of this major trade route greatly facilitated commerce and exchange of goods.

So, there you have it! A and D are the big winners. Keep those cultural exchanges and trade routes going strong!

The correct answers are A and D.

A. Chang'an, the capital of the Tang Dynasty, welcomed foreigners and their beliefs. This openness to foreigners not only encouraged cultural exchange but also promoted trade and economic growth.

D. Chang'an was located at one end of the Silk Road, a major trade route that connected China with the Mediterranean world. This advantageous geographic location made Chang'an a hub of international trade, attracting merchants and traders from different regions and contributing to the city's prosperity.

To find the correct answers, you need to understand the historical context of the Tang Dynasty and its capital, Chang'an. Analyzing the characteristics of the city and its role in cultural exchange and trade during the Tang Dynasty will help identify the correct answers.

The correct answers are:

A. It welcomed foreigners and their beliefs.
D. It was located at one end of the Silk Road.