witch of the following does not qualify as an intellectual property a) a poem that you write b) a photo that you create c) a story that you wrote based on a book you read d) an idea that you came up with

d) an idea that you came up with

The option that does not qualify as an intellectual property is d) an idea that you came up with.

To determine which of the following options does not qualify as intellectual property, we need to understand what intellectual property is. Intellectual property refers to legal rights that are granted to individuals or entities for their creative or intellectual work. It is a broad term that encompasses various forms, including copyrights, trademarks, patents, and trade secrets.

Now, let's evaluate each option:

a) A poem that you write: A poem is considered a creative work and falls under the category of literary arts. Therefore, it can be protected by copyright. Copyright grants the creator exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, display, and perform the work.

b) A photo that you create: Similar to a poem, a photograph is also considered a creative work and can be protected by copyright. Copyright protection gives the author the exclusive right to control the reproduction, distribution, display, and performance of the photo.

c) A story that you wrote based on a book you read: Writing a story based on a book you read involves creating a derivative work. While the specific content from the original book may be protected by copyright, your story would be considered a new creative work. Therefore, it can be protected by copyright.

d) An idea that you came up with: Ideas, by themselves, are not generally eligible for intellectual property protection. Intellectual property rights are typically granted for the expression or embodiment of ideas, rather than the ideas themselves. However, certain forms of ideas, like inventions or innovative processes, may be eligible for patent protection.

Based on the explanation, it can be concluded that the correct answer is (d) an idea that you came up with. Ideas, in their abstract form, do not qualify as intellectual property, as they are not subject to the same legal protections as specific expressions or embodiments of ideas.