who asked?

To find out who asked a question, you need to look for the person or entity who posed the question or initiated the conversation. This information could be available in various places depending on the context:

1. Online platforms: If the question was asked on social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook, you can usually see the username or profile of the person who posted the question.

2. Messaging apps: If the question was asked in a group chat or messaging app, you can check the conversation history to see who sent the message.

3. Classroom or meeting settings: If the question was asked in a physical classroom, meeting, or any similar context, you can typically identify the person who asked by their voice or by who raised their hand or spoke up.

4. Written sources: If the question was asked in a book, article, or any written context, the author or the quoted person is usually indicated.

By examining the source or context where the question was asked, you should be able to determine who asked it.