Why did Thomas Paine write the pamphlet, Common Sense?

• to support conquering the Native Americans
• to argue that more land should go to France and Spain
• to show that loyalty to the monarchy was wrong
• to pledge his loyalty to the British government

Thomas Paine wrote the pamphlet "Common Sense" to show that loyalty to the monarchy was wrong. To confirm this, we can refer to historical sources. Thomas Paine was an influential political activist and writer during the American Revolution. "Common Sense" was published in January 1776 and played a crucial role in persuading the American colonists to seek independence from Britain.

To find information on why Thomas Paine wrote "Common Sense," we can consult reliable historical sources such as books, articles, or reputable websites that discuss the American Revolution and the role of Thomas Paine. These sources will provide insights into Paine's motivations, as well as the ideas and arguments he expressed in the pamphlet.

It is important to approach historical questions with an open mind and conduct research using credible sources to ensure accuracy and avoid misleading information.