Consider the relationship between the words engine and plane.

Which answer choice contains a pair of words with the same relationship?
hospital: doctor

truck: vehicle

cabin: ship

wheat: tractor

To determine the relationship between the words "engine" and "plane," we need to understand the function or purpose of each word. An engine is a component that provides power to a machine or vehicle. A plane, in this context, refers to an aircraft. In this relationship, the engine is a crucial part of a plane, providing the power necessary for it to operate.

Now let's look at the answer choices:

- "Hospital: doctor": The relationship between a hospital and a doctor is that a doctor works at a hospital. This relationship is different from the one between engine and plane, as a doctor is not a component or essential part of a hospital.
- "Truck: vehicle": The relationship between a truck and a vehicle is that a truck is a type of vehicle, specifically a motorized one for transporting goods. This relationship is different from the one between engine and plane, as "engine" is a specific component of a plane rather than an entire category.
- "Cabin: ship": The relationship between a cabin and a ship is that a cabin is a compartment or room on a ship where people can sleep or relax. This relationship is different from the one between engine and plane since "cabin" refers to a part of a ship, not an essential component like an engine.
- "Wheat: tractor": The relationship between wheat and a tractor is that a tractor is a farm vehicle used for plowing or harvesting crops like wheat. This relationship is different from the one between engine and plane since "wheat" is a type of crop, not an essential part of a tractor.

Therefore, the answer choice that contains a pair of words with the same relationship as "engine: plane" is "truck: vehicle," as an engine is a vital component of a plane, just as an engine is a crucial part of a truck, which is a type of vehicle.