If my total was $122 Oz and I need to serve seven people what serving what would my serving size be hint remember when dividing fraction to must change the mixed number to an improper fraction then KCF keep change flip

To determine the serving size, you need to divide the total amount by the number of people you want to serve. Let's break down the steps to find the serving size:

1. Convert the mixed number to an improper fraction:
Since you mentioned "KCF" (Keep, Change, Flip), it seems you are referring to the process of converting mixed numbers to improper fractions through division.

For example, let's convert the mixed number 122 Oz to an improper fraction:
122 can be written as 122/1, and to convert it to an improper fraction, you multiply the whole number (122) by the denominator (1) and add the numerator (0). So, 122/1 becomes 122/1.

2. Divide the total amount by the number of people:
Now, you need to divide 122/1 by 7 to find the serving size.

To divide fractions, you can use the "KCF" method you mentioned:
- Keep the first fraction as is (122/1).
- Change the division sign to multiplication (122/1 × 1/7).
- Flip the second fraction (122/1 × 1/7 becomes 122/7).

Multiplying the fractions 122/1 and 1/7 will give you the serving size.

3. Calculate the division:
To calculate 122/7, divide the numerator (122) by the denominator (7) to get the serving size.

Performing the division, 122 ÷ 7 equals 17.42857142857143.

Therefore, the serving size would be approximately 17.43 Oz (rounded to two decimal places) if you have a total of $122 Oz and want to serve seven people.