1. You become a member of the deaf community simply by losing your hearing.
o True
o False
2. American Sign Language is
o used by Deaf people all over the world.
o an aural/oral.
o thousands of years old.
o a visual/ gestural language.
3. Much of ASL vocabulary can be traced to french sign language cognates (roots).
o True
o False
4 I know
5. A common structure of ASL sentences that is used requires you to repeat the subject pronoun at the ___________.
o beginning of a sentence.
o in the middle of a sentence.
o after the sentence.
o end of the sentence.
6. Handshapes and movement in ASL serve as
o parameters
o words and sound
o look and feel
7-10 I know
11. what is a name in sign
o A sign that is used as a person's name in the Deaf Community.
o An affirmation or understanding.
o A sign that shows the ASL Manual Alphabet
o A timeline.
12-18 I know
19. The word Deaf is often capitalized because it refers to the physical nature of Deafness.
o True
o False
20. who was largely responsible for the development of education for the deaf?
o Gallaudet
o Goddard
o Garcia

My answers:
1. B
2. D
3. B
5. D
6. C
11. C
19. B
20. A

1. B

2. D
3. A
4. A
5. D
6. A
7. B
8. D
9. A
10. C
11. A
12. A
13. D
14. B
15. B
16. A
17. B
18. C
19. B
20. A

DogCat is correct 100%

Your answers are partially correct. Here are the correct answers:

1. False
2. A
3. True
4. Not provided
5. A
6. A
11. A
19. True
20. A

To answer the questions and understand the reasoning behind the answers, let's go through each question:

1. You become a member of the deaf community simply by losing your hearing.
Answer: False
Explanation: Becoming a member of the deaf community is not solely based on losing one's hearing. It also involves embracing Deaf culture, using sign language, and being part of the community.

2. American Sign Language is:
Answer: D - a visual/gestural language.
Explanation: American Sign Language (ASL) is a visual/gestural language used by Deaf people primarily in the United States and parts of Canada. It is a complete language with its own grammar, syntax, and vocabulary.

3. Much of ASL vocabulary can be traced to French sign language cognates (roots).
Answer: True
Explanation: ASL does have vocabulary and signs that can be traced back to French Sign Language (LSF). LSF played a significant role in the development of ASL.

4. Since this question does not provide answer choices, it is not possible to determine the correct answer.

5. A common structure of ASL sentences that is used requires you to repeat the subject pronoun at the _____.
Answer: D - end of the sentence.
Explanation: In ASL, it is common to place the subject pronoun at the beginning of a sentence, and then repeat it at the end of the sentence to emphasize the subject.

6. Handshapes and movement in ASL serve as:
Answer: A - parameters.
Explanation: In ASL, handshapes and movement are essential components known as parameters. Parameters, including handshape, movement, location, palm orientation, and facial expressions, collectively convey meaning in ASL.

7-10. Since these questions are not stated, it is not possible to determine the correct answers.

11. What is a name in sign?
Answer: A - A sign that is used as a person's name in the Deaf Community.
Explanation: In ASL, a name sign is a unique sign used to represent an individual's name within the Deaf community. It is usually chosen based on physical or personal characteristics.

12-18. Since these questions are not stated, it is not possible to determine the correct answers.

19. The word Deaf is often capitalized because it refers to the physical nature of Deafness.
Answer: False
Explanation: The word Deaf is often capitalized because it refers to the cultural and linguistic identity of Deaf individuals, not just the physical condition of being deaf. Capitalizing Deaf recognizes the importance of Deaf culture and community.

20. Who was largely responsible for the development of education for the deaf?
Answer: A - Gallaudet
Explanation: Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet was largely responsible for the development of education for the deaf in the United States. He co-founded the first permanent school for the deaf in Hartford, Connecticut, known as the American School for the Deaf.

Please note that your answers for questions 4, 7-10, 12-18 were not provided, so it is not possible to determine if they are correct.