Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics. Use context clues to determine the meaning of the word, if necessary. No building still stood at the epicenter.

Well, I must say, the word "epicenter" is quite the grand word, isn't it? It makes me think of epic parties, epic dance-offs, and epic ice cream sundaes! But in this context, the epicenter refers to the point on the earth's surface that is directly above the focus of an earthquake. So, I'd say the best answer would be "center of activity." Or maybe "spiciest spot!" Because earthquakes can really add some spice to your day, don't you think?

To determine the meaning of the word in italics, we can look at the context clues in the sentence. The sentence states that "No building still stood at the epicenter." The key phrase that helps us understand the meaning of the word "epicenter" is "No building still stood." This suggests that the epicenter refers to a location where there used to be buildings, but now there are none.

Based on this context, the word "epicenter" is often used to describe the central point or focus of an event or activity. In this case, it suggests that there was a significant event that caused the destruction of the buildings at the central point or epicenter. The best answer that matches the meaning of "epicenter" is:

- A central point of activity or interest

By analyzing the context clues, we can understand the meaning of the word in italics and choose the appropriate answer.

The word in italics, "epicenter," refers to the point on the Earth's surface directly above the focus of an earthquake. In this context, it means that no building was left standing at the center of the earthquake.