What do earthquakes and tsunamis have in common?(1 point)


They only occur in the ocean.
They only occur in the ocean.

They modify Earth’s surface.
They modify Earth’s surface.

They originate on Earth’s surface.
They originate on Earth’s surface.

They only occur on landmasses.

1. they modify earth's surface

2. They cause small waves in the open ocean, but large ones near the shore.
3.earthquakes: open up large cracks in Earth’s crust
tsunamis: erosion of beaches
hope this helps <3

Thanks Ren

ren is 100% correct

thank you i got a 3/3%100

To determine which statement accurately describes what earthquakes and tsunamis have in common, we need to understand the characteristics of both natural phenomena.

Earthquakes and tsunamis are both related to geological activity and can occur in a variety of settings, including both land and ocean environments.

Earthquakes are the result of seismic activity, where there is abrupt movement and shifting of the Earth's tectonic plates. This movement generates waves of energy that travel through the Earth, causing the ground to shake. Earthquakes can occur both on land and underwater.

Tsunamis, on the other hand, are ocean waves that are typically generated by underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides near or under the ocean. The energy released from these geological events displaces a large amount of water, creating massive waves that travel across the ocean. However, it is important to note that not all earthquakes result in tsunamis.

With this understanding, we can eliminate the options "They only occur in the ocean" and "They only occur on landmasses" as they are both incorrect.

The remaining options are "They modify Earth's surface" and "They originate on Earth's surface." Both of these statements are accurate.

Earthquakes and tsunamis both have the capability to modify Earth's surface. Earthquakes can cause landforms, such as mountains and faults, to develop or change. Tsunamis can also have a significant impact on the coastline, eroding beaches and altering the landscape.

Therefore, the correct statement would be:

- "They modify Earth's surface." (1 point)

You must have "duplexitis". It's annoying.