Let X,Y,Z be independent discrete random variables with

E[X]=2, E[Y]=0, E[Z]=0,
E[Y^2]= E[Z^2]=16,
Let A=X(Y+Z) and B=XY.
1. Find E[B].
E[B]= ?

2. Find Var(B).
Var(B)= ?

3. Find E[AB].
E[AB]= ?

4. Find Var (B|X = 2)

To find the expected value E[B], we can use the linearity of expectation. We know that A, X, Y, and Z are all independent random variables.

1. E[B] = E[XY]

Since X and Y are independent, the expected value of the product is the product of the expected values.

E[B] = E[X] * E[Y]

Given that E[X]=2 and E[Y]=0:

E[B] = 2 * 0

E[B] = 0

So, E[B] = 0.

To find the variance Var(B), we can use the properties of variance.

2. Var(B) = Var(XY)

Since X and Y are independent, we can use the property Var(aX) = a^2 * Var(X).

Var(B) = Var(X) * E[Y]^2 + E[X]^2 * Var(Y) + Var(X) * Var(Y)

Given that Var(X) = Var(Y) = 16, and E[Y] = 0:

Var(B) = 16 * 0^2 + 2^2 * 16 + 16 * 16

Var(B) = 4 * 16 + 16 * 16

Var(B) = 64 + 256

Var(B) = 320

So, Var(B) = 320.

To find E[AB], we can again use the linearity of expectation.

3. E[AB] = E[X(Y+Z)]

Since X, Y, and Z are independent, we can use the property E[aX] = a * E[X].

E[AB] = E[X] * E[Y+Z]

Given that E[X] = 2 and E[Y] = E[Z] = 0:

E[AB] = 2 * (E[Y] + E[Z])

E[AB] = 2 * (0 + 0)

E[AB] = 2 * 0

E[AB] = 0

So, E[AB] = 0.

To find Var(B|X = 2), we need to find the conditional variance of B given that X = 2.

4. Var(B|X = 2)

Since X and Y are independent, we know that B = XY.

Var(B|X = 2) = Var(XY|X = 2)

Using the property Var(aX) = a^2 * Var(X), we can rewrite this as

Var(B|X = 2) = 2^2 * Var(Y|X = 2)

Since Y and Z are independent, Var(Y+Z|X = 2) = Var(Y|X = 2) + Var(Z|X = 2)

Given that Var(Y) = Var(Z) = 16, we have

Var(B|X = 2) = 4 * (Var(Y) + Var(Z))

Var(B|X = 2) = 4 * (16 + 16)

Var(B|X = 2) = 4 * 32

Var(B|X = 2) = 128

So, Var(B|X = 2) = 128.