Find the resultant of two vectors of 9 units and 8 units acting at an angle of 60 degree with each other using scale drawing and parallelogram

Pls help me

Abeg help me answer pls i beg

so, did you do the scale drawing?

did you measure the resultant?

To find the resultant of two vectors using a scale drawing and the parallelogram method, follow the steps below:

1. Start by drawing a horizontal line segment to represent the first vector, which has a magnitude of 9 units.

2. From the endpoint of the first vector, draw a line segment at an angle of 60 degrees relative to the horizontal line. This line segment represents the second vector, which has a magnitude of 8 units.

3. Complete the parallelogram by drawing two more line segments parallel to the first and second vectors, respectively, such that the opposite sides of the parallelogram are equal in length.

4. Now, draw a diagonal line connecting the starting point of the first vector to the endpoint of the second vector. This diagonal line represents the resultant vector.

5. Measure the length of the diagonal line using a ruler or a scale, which will give you the magnitude of the resultant vector.

6. Read the measured length on the scale and convert it to the appropriate unit, given the scale used on the drawing.

7. To determine the direction of the resultant vector, use a protractor or a compass to measure the angle between the resultant vector and the horizontal line. This angle represents the direction of the resultant vector.

By following these steps, you can find the magnitude and direction of the resultant vector using a scale drawing and the parallelogram method.