Four friends are saving money to go on a vacation together. The table shows how much each has saved so far.

Gabrielle 85%
Savanna 0.9
Katrina 4/5
Susan 5/6
Arrange the numbers in order from least to greatest.

change each to a decimal and you will see the results

To arrange the numbers in order from least to greatest, let's convert all the given percentages and fractions into decimals:

Gabrielle: 85% = 0.85
Savanna: 0.9 (already in decimal form)
Katrina: 4/5 = 0.8
Susan: 5/6 ≈ 0.8333 (rounded to four decimal places)

Now, let's arrange the decimals in order from least to greatest:

0.8 → 0.8333 → 0.85 → 0.9

Therefore, the numbers in order from least to greatest are:
Katrina: 4/5
Susan: 5/6
Gabrielle: 85%
Savanna: 0.9