Solar Weather & Climate Quiz

1. Based on ____ data and ____ data, scientists think that solar weather has ____ effect on terrestrial weather.

1. Temperature, rainfall, some

2. Caused bythe sins changing magnetic fuel, they are explosive events that can affect earth
3. During solar maximum
4. Solar energetic particles
5. Wavelength of the radiant energy it emits
6. Solar flares & sunspots increase as solar maximum approaches, the intensity of solar weather changes frequently
7. Geomagnetic storm--aurora, coronal mass ejection-- Geomagnetic storm
8. Radiative zone & convection zone
9. Nuclear fusion, radiation, conduction, radiation
100% for Connexus

Are those answers right??

To answer this question, you would need to gather information from two different sources: solar weather data and terrestrial weather data.

To find solar weather data, you can visit reliable sources such as the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) or NASA's Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC). These organizations provide real-time data on solar activities, such as solar flares, coronal mass ejections, and sunspots. By analyzing this data, scientists can understand solar weather patterns and how they impact Earth.

On the other hand, terrestrial weather data can be obtained from various meteorological organizations and weather stations worldwide. These organizations collect information on various weather parameters like temperature, humidity, wind speed, air pressure, and precipitation. You can access this data through meteorological websites or apps, or even by consulting reports from weather stations.

Once you have gathered both sets of data, scientists can compare them to identify any correlations or patterns between solar weather and terrestrial weather. Through extensive research and analysis, scientists may form hypotheses or theories about the possible effects of solar weather on Earth's climate.

Please note that the scientific consensus on the direct impact of solar weather on terrestrial weather is still evolving. While there are some known patterns, the understanding of this relationship is complex and requires ongoing study and analysis by experts in the field.