Twelve friends are sharing 8 packages of pencils. What fraction of a package will each friend get?


To calculate the fraction of a package each friend will get, we need to divide the total number of packages by the number of friends.

Step 1: Calculate the fraction
The total number of packages is 8.
The number of friends is 12.

So, the fraction of a package each friend will get is:
8 packages ÷ 12 friends = 2/3 of a package per friend.

Therefore, each friend will get 2/3 of a package of pencils.

To find out what fraction of a package each friend will get, we need to divide the number of packages of pencils by the number of friends sharing them.

In this case, there are 12 friends and 8 packages of pencils.

To calculate the fraction, we divide the total number of packages (8) by the number of friends (12).

Fraction of a package per friend = 8 / 12

However, this fraction can be simplified. We can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their common factor, which is 4.

8 ÷ 4 = 2
12 ÷ 4 = 3

The simplified fraction is therefore 2/3.

Each friend will get 2/3 of a package of pencils.