What was the purpose for William Bradford's writing? (to inform, persuade, explain, express, etc.)

William Bradford's purpose for writing can be determined by analyzing the content and tone of his works. In the case of William Bradford, he was a colonial leader and historian who authored a book called "Of Plymouth Plantation." This book was primarily written to inform and record the history of the Pilgrims and their experiences in establishing the Plymouth Colony in the early 17th century.

By analyzing the content, we can observe that Bradford's writing focused on documenting the challenges, struggles, and triumphs of the Pilgrims during their voyage on the Mayflower, their establishment of a new settlement, and their interactions with the Native Americans. His purpose was to provide a firsthand account of the events and convey a historical narrative of the Pilgrims' experience.

Additionally, Bradford's writing was also influenced by his religious beliefs. He incorporated religious themes and saw God's hand in their journey and the establishment of their colony. This adds an element of expressing his personal faith and providing spiritual guidance to his fellow colonists.

Overall, while his writing serves to inform and document historical events, it also reflects his personal perspective and religious motivations. Thus, the primary purpose of William Bradford's writing can be seen as a combination of informing, explaining, and expressing.