What effect do you think these words had on the American colonists?

*They most likely inspired fear in the loyalists of the of the patriots
*They most likely strengthened the colonists desire to act on their wish to separate from Britain
*They most likely encouraged the framers to meet and write the U.S. Constitution at the Continental Congress
*They most likely increased colonial acts of civil disobedience by confirming their validity

Does anyone know what it is just say what y'all got

hElp MeH

It's A

What effect do you think these words had on the American colonists?

(1 point)

They most likely inspired fear in the Loyalists of the Patriots.

They most likely strengthened the colonists’ desire to act on their wish to separate from Britain.

They most likely encouraged the Framers to meet and write the U.S. Constitution at the Continental Congress.

They most likely increased colonial acts of civil disobedience by confirming their validity


To understand the effects of these words on the American colonists, we need to identify the context and the specific words being referred to. Without that information, it is difficult to provide a specific answer. However, I can explain how you can approach finding the answer on your own.

1. Start by identifying the historical context: For example, if these words are related to the American Revolution, you should research events and documents from that time period.

2. Consider the intended audience: Determine who the words were directed towards, as this can help determine their impact. In this case, loyalists, patriots, and framers may provide important clues.

3. Analyze the content of the words: Read and comprehend the meaning of the words. Consider the emotions, ideas, or calls to action expressed.

4. Research primary sources: Look for speeches, letters, documents, or other primary sources from that time period that contain these words. Primary sources from the era provide direct evidence and insights into the effect they had on the colonists.

5. Evaluate secondary sources: Read articles, books, or scholarly works that discuss the impact of these words on the American colonists. Look for reliable sources that present different perspectives and interpretations.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you will gain the necessary knowledge to answer your questions accurately and gain a better understanding of the topic. Remember to use critical thinking skills, cross-reference information from multiple sources, and draw your own conclusions based on the evidence available.

Just risk it and give us the answers

can anyone help

Have you got the answer yet?

I can't bro