Which of the following is a central idea of this paragraph?

(1 point)

Foley artists edit films before viewers see them.

Sound is usually added to movies after they are filmed.

Foley artists create sound effects for movies.

Everyday objects are often used to create effects.

No paragraph.

These posts look like a slo-mo homework dump. 😒

To determine the central idea of this paragraph, you will need to carefully analyze the information presented. Let's break it down:

The paragraph discusses the role of Foley artists in film production. It mentions that Foley artists edit films before viewers see them, indicating their involvement in the post-production process. The paragraph also highlights that sound is typically added to movies after they are filmed, which supports the idea that Foley artists are responsible for creating sound effects.

Additionally, the paragraph states that Foley artists create sound effects for movies, further emphasizing their key role in the production process. Lastly, it mentions that everyday objects are often used to create effects, indicating the creative and resourceful nature of the work done by Foley artists.

Therefore, the central idea of this paragraph is that Foley artists play a crucial role in film production by creating sound effects for movies, often using everyday objects.

The central idea of this paragraph is: Foley artists create sound effects for movies.