I’m which of the following areas is there a large concentration of American Indian and First Nations people

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1: A
2: B
interior immigration
interior immigration

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To find out which areas in the United States and Canada have a large concentration of American Indian and First Nations people, you can look at demographic data and government reports. Here's how you can approach searching for this information:

1. For the United States:
- Start by looking for reports or publications from the U.S. Census Bureau. They provide detailed demographic information about various ethnic groups, including American Indians and Alaska Natives.
- Visit the Census Bureau's website (census.gov) and navigate to the Population and Housing section.
- Look for the "American Indian and Alaska Native" category within the population data. You can often find specific reports on this topic.
- Explore the data by region, state, county, or even city to identify areas with the highest concentration of American Indian populations.
- Keep in mind that American Indian populations can vary significantly from region to region, so it's essential to examine the data closely.

2. For Canada:
- The Government of Canada's official website provides information about Indigenous peoples, including First Nations.
- Visit the Indigenous Services Canada website (indigenous-services.canada.ca) or search for the specific department's publications.
- Look for reports or publications that provide demographic information on First Nations populations.
- These reports may break down the data by province, territory, or even specific communities, helping you identify areas with a significant concentration of First Nations people.

These steps should guide you in finding reliable information about the concentration of American Indian and First Nations people. It's essential to rely on official sources and consider the most up-to-date information available.