Which development directly allowed for the keeping of records?

A. cities
B. job specialization
C. public works
D. systems of writing

The development that directly allowed for the keeping of records is D. systems of writing.

To arrive at this answer, we need to understand what each option represents and then identify which one is directly related to record-keeping.

A. Cities: While the establishment of cities was an important step in organizing societies and developing systems of governance, it does not directly relate to record-keeping.

B. Job specialization: Job specialization refers to the division of labor where individuals focus on specific tasks or roles. While this development contributed to social and economic growth, it is not directly related to record-keeping.

C. Public works: Public works encompass construction projects such as building infrastructure like roads, bridges, and public buildings. Though public works improved societies, they do not directly relate to record-keeping.

D. Systems of writing: This option is directly linked to record-keeping. Whenever a civilization develops a system of writing, it enables them to document information, transactions, events, and more. Writing allows for the creation and preservation of records, which is essential for record-keeping.

Therefore, the correct answer would be D. systems of writing.