To write an expository essay on how external examinations are conducted, you need to have a clear understanding of the topic and the steps involved. Here's a guide on how to structure your essay:

1. Introduction:
- Start with a hook to grab the reader's attention.
- Provide a brief overview of the purpose of external examinations.

2. Background information:
- Explain the significance of external examinations in the educational system.
- Discuss their role in evaluating students' knowledge and skills.
- Highlight the importance of standardized assessments for maintaining objectivity and fairness.

3. Types of external examinations:
- Describe different types of external examinations commonly conducted, such as national, international, and standardized tests.
- Explain how these examinations are designed to assess specific subject areas or skills.

4. Administration of external examinations:
- Detail the processes involved in conducting external examinations.
- Discuss the responsibilities of exam boards, invigilators, and administrators.
- Explain the protocols followed to maintain integrity, such as ensuring confidentiality, preventing cheating, and establishing secure test environments.

5. Test preparation:
- Discuss the importance of adequate preparation for external examinations.
- Describe the various methods students can use to study and practice for these exams, such as revision guides, sample papers, and study groups.

6. Assessment and grading:
- Explain how exam papers are marked or graded.
- Discuss the criteria used for evaluating students' performance.
- Highlight the significance of standardized marking schemes to ensure consistency and fairness.

7. Challenges and criticisms:
- Discuss any challenges or criticisms associated with external examinations.
- Address issues like exam stress, overemphasis on memorization, or the lack of focus on practical skills.

8. Conclusion:
- Summarize the key points raised in your essay.
- Emphasize the importance of external examinations in the educational system.
- Present a balanced view of their pros and cons.

Remember to support your explanations with relevant examples, statistics, or research. Use clear and concise language to enhance understanding, and ensure a logical flow between paragraphs. Edit and proofread your essay to ensure accuracy and coherence.