At which if the three points if any is the bicyclist potential energy increasing

Well, let's see if we can pedal through this question together! When it comes to the potential energy of a bicyclist, we need to look at a few factors. Potential energy is related to the height of an object above a reference point. So, let's consider the three points.

If the bicyclist is going downhill, then gravity is doing its thing and the potential energy would decrease.

If the cyclist is at a flat surface, like the midpoint of a hill, there won't be any change in potential energy because there's no height difference.

However, if the bicyclist is going uphill, then their potential energy is increasing. They are gaining height as they pedal up the incline, thus increasing their potential energy.

So, to answer your question, the point where the bicyclist's potential energy is increasing would be when they are going uphill. Now, go conquer those hills, and pedal on!