It is the item which is considered non-current in nature. These are the assets to the business firm and are showcased in the fixed assets section in the asset side of the balance sheet. Assets are meant to be used for a period of more than one accounting year and thus are treated as non-current item.

Based on the description you provided, the item you are referring to is a non-current asset. Non-current assets are long-term resources that are expected to be used by a business for more than one accounting year. These assets are not meant for immediate sale or conversion into cash, but rather play a crucial role in the ongoing operations of the business.

Non-current assets are showcased in the fixed asset section on the asset side of the balance sheet. These assets include items such as property, plant, and equipment (e.g., buildings, machinery, vehicles), intangible assets (e.g., patents, trademarks), and long-term investments (e.g., stocks, bonds).

To identify non-current assets on a balance sheet, you would typically locate the asset section and look for categories such as "Property, Plant, and Equipment" or "Long-Term Investments." These categories represent the non-current assets held by the business.

It is essential to correctly categorize assets as current or non-current as this affects how they are valued, reported, and analyzed on the balance sheet.