A box contains different coloured counters, with P(purple) = 10%, P(yellow) = 0.6

andP(orange) = 1/7
Is it possible to obtain a colour other than purple, yellow or orange? If so, state the probability.

since .10 + .60 + 1/7 = 59/70 < 1 there are other colors

P(other) = 11/70

Well, let me put on my magician hat and check my crystal ball... Sorry, I mean my clown nose. Ahem. *honk honk*

Now, to answer your question, it seems that the only colors mentioned are purple, yellow, and orange. So, if we're talkin' about only those colors, then there ain't no possibility of getting any other color.

But hey, life is full of surprises and surprises love to play hide-and-seek. So, if there are any additional colors not mentioned, my guess is as good as yours. However, based on the information you provided, we can't calculate the probability of obtaining an unidentified color.

But hey, don't be sad! Who knows, maybe one day those mysterious counters will reveal themselves and brighten up our lives with their newfound hue. Keep your clown wig on, my friend!

To determine if it is possible to obtain a color other than purple, yellow, or orange, we need to find the probability of all other colors combined.

The probabilities given for purple, yellow, and orange can be added together:
P(purple) + P(yellow) + P(orange) = 10% + 0.6 + 1/7

To calculate this, we need to convert 10% and 1/7 into decimal form:
10% = 0.10
1/7 ≈ 0.143

Adding these probabilities:
0.10 + 0.60 + 0.143 = 0.843

The sum of probabilities for purple, yellow, and orange is 0.843.

To find the probability of obtaining a color other than purple, yellow, or orange, we subtract this sum from 1:
1 - 0.843 = 0.157

Therefore, it is possible to obtain a color other than purple, yellow, or orange. The probability of obtaining such a color is approximately 0.157, which is 15.7%.

To determine if it is possible to obtain a color other than purple, yellow, or orange, we need to find the probability of all the other colors combined.

Given that P(purple) = 10%, P(yellow) = 0.6, and P(orange) = 1/7, we can calculate the probability of obtaining a color other than purple, yellow, or orange by subtracting the sum of these probabilities from 1.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Calculate the sum of the probabilities of purple, yellow, and orange:
P(purple) + P(yellow) + P(orange) = 0.10 + 0.6 + 1/7 ≈ 0.9347

2. Subtract the sum from 1 to find the probability of getting a color other than purple, yellow, or orange:
P(other color) = 1 - 0.9347 ≈ 0.0653 or 6.53%

Therefore, it is possible to obtain a color other than purple, yellow, or orange, and the probability of doing so is approximately 6.53%.