Which option must be placed between coordinate adjectives? (1 point)

O no punctuation
O periods
O commas

The correct option that must be placed between coordinate adjectives is commas.

When using multiple adjectives to describe a noun, it's important to determine whether the adjectives are coordinate or cumulative adjectives. Coordinate adjectives are adjectives that have an equal weight or importance and can be rearranged without changing the meaning of the sentence.

When coordinate adjectives are used together, they should be separated by commas. This helps to indicate that each adjective is equally modifying the noun.

For example:
- The beautiful, sunny day made everyone happy.

In this sentence, "beautiful" and "sunny" are coordinate adjectives describing the noun "day," and they are separated by a comma.

On the other hand, if the adjectives are cumulative and don't have equal importance, they don't need a comma between them.

For example:
- She wore a long red dress.

In this sentence, "long" and "red" are cumulative adjectives, and they don't require a comma between them because their order is important to convey the intended meaning.