A body weigh 0.3n in air, 0.25n when fully immersed in water and 0.27n when fully immersed in liquid. Calculate 1. Loss in weight in water. 2. It's relative density. 3. Relative density of the liquid

To calculate the answers to the given questions, we need to understand the concept of buoyancy and the principles of Archimedes' principle.

1. Loss in weight in water:
The loss in weight in water can be calculated by subtracting the weight of the body when fully immersed in water from its weight in air.
Loss in weight = Weight in air - Weight in water

In this case, the weight in air is 0.3N, and the weight in water is 0.25N, so the loss in weight in water would be:
Loss in weight in water = 0.3N - 0.25N = 0.05N

2. Relative density:
The relative density is defined as the ratio of the density of a substance to the density of a reference substance. In this case, the reference substance is water.
Relative density = Density of the substance / Density of water

From Archimedes' principle, we know that the buoyant force acting on a body submerged in a fluid is equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the body.
Buoyant force = Weight of the fluid displaced

Let's assume the density of the body is D, the density of water is DW, and the volume of the body is V.
We have the following equation: DW * V = D * Vw, where Vw is the volume of water displaced.

From the given information, we can express the densities of the body and water as: D = Weight in air / Volume of the body and DW = Weight in water / Volume of water displaced.

The relative density can thus be calculated as:
Relative density = (Weight in air / Volume of the body) / (Weight in water / Volume of water displaced)

Substituting the given values, we have:
Relative density = (0.3N / V) / (0.25N / Vw)

3. Relative density of the liquid:
To determine the relative density of the liquid, we can use the same formula as above but replace the weight in water with the weight in the liquid.
Relative density of the liquid = (0.3N / V) / (0.27N / Vl), where Vl is the volume of liquid displaced.

By substituting the given values, we can calculate both the relative density and the relative density of the liquid.