the XYZ affair outraged many Americans. what was president John Adams initial stance on how to handle the issue.

1. B & D

2. A
3. B

To determine President John Adams' initial stance on how to handle the XYZ affair, we can examine historical sources such as his speeches, writings, and actions during that time. Let's walk through the process of finding the answer step by step:

1. Start by searching for reliable historical sources that discuss the XYZ affair and President John Adams' response to it. Academic books, reputable websites, and primary sources like official documents or Adams' own writings are good places to start.

2. Look for primary sources such as speeches or statements by President Adams regarding the XYZ affair. These may provide direct insight into his initial stance on how to handle the issue.

3. Check if President Adams took any specific actions in response to the XYZ affair. This could include diplomatic efforts, military preparations, or any other measures he may have implemented.

4. Analyze the historical context of the XYZ affair to understand the motivations and challenges faced by President Adams at the time. The affair was a diplomatic incident between the United States and France in the late 18th century, involving French demands for bribes from American envoys. Understanding the broader political landscape and tensions between the two countries can provide insights into Adams' initial stance.

By following these steps and conducting thorough research, you should be able to find reliable information about President John Adams' initial stance on how to handle the XYZ affair.

President John Adams initially tried to resolve the XYZ affair diplomatically. He sent three diplomats, Charles Cotesworth Pinckney, John Marshall, and Elbridge Gerry, to negotiate with the French government. However, when they arrived in Paris, they were not received by French officials, but instead were approached by three agents, known as X, Y, and Z, who demanded bribes before any negotiations could begin. Adams was deeply outraged by this and initially kept the details of the affair secret to avoid escalating tensions with France. However, he eventually released the details of the affair to Congress, which led to widespread public outrage and demands for war with France.