His management style was nor very rigid or hierarchical

To understand the meaning of "His management style was not very rigid or hierarchical," let's break down the sentence:

1. Management style refers to the approach or way in which someone manages or supervises a team or organization.
2. Rigid means strict, inflexible, or not open to change.
3. Hierarchical refers to a hierarchical structure, where authority and power are clearly defined and flow from top to bottom.

Based on these definitions, we can infer that the person's management style was flexible and did not adhere strictly to a hierarchical structure. In other words, they might have encouraged collaboration, inclusiveness, and open communication among team members.

To gather more contextual information about this person's management style, it would be helpful to look at additional sources such as:

1. Direct observations: This involves observing the person in a managerial role, how they interact with their team members, and how decisions are made.
2. Feedback from employees: Getting feedback from the people who have directly worked under this person's leadership can provide insights into their management style.
3. Performance reviews or evaluations: Reviewing any available performance evaluations or feedback from higher-level managers can also shed light on the individual's management approach.

By combining these various sources of information, we can obtain a more comprehensive understanding of the person's management style and whether it truly aligns with the description provided.