What can help a reader determine how an author feels about a subject?

1. Compare and contrast structure
2. Cause and effect structure
3. Connotations
4. signal words

1. objective

2. To inform and to persuade
3. Connotations
4. Feel a certain way

its connotations

For me I'm saying its A because all these stories I am reading give cause and effect on what whale hunters do to them.

To determine how an author feels about a subject, there are several aspects to consider. Here are four key elements that can help a reader understand the author's perspective:

1. Compare and contrast structure: Examine how the author presents different viewpoints or ideas about the subject. If the author consistently presents one perspective in a positive light while downplaying or criticizing others, it suggests a clear stance on the subject.

2. Cause and effect structure: Look for patterns where the author highlights specific causes and effects related to the subject. If the author emphasizes certain factors as positive or negative, it indicates their underlying feelings about the subject.

3. Connotations: Pay attention to the words and phrases the author uses to describe the subject. Positive connotations, such as using words like "brilliant" or "inspiring," suggest a favorable view. Conversely, negative connotations like "troublesome" or "problematic" indicate a more critical stance.

4. Signal words: Watch out for specific words or phrases that serve as indicators of the author's feelings. For example, words like "clearly," "obviously," or "undeniably" often imply a strong opinion or assertive position. On the other hand, words like "possibly," "perhaps," or "it could be argued" indicate a more tentative or open-minded viewpoint.

By combining these four factors, readers can gain insight into the author's perspective and better understand their feelings about the subject being discussed.