1. Resolve the following vectors in its horizontal and vertical

a. 25 m/s, 33 ̊ south of west
b. 22 N, north
c. 0.25 m/s2, 75 ̊ north of west
d. 1.60 kg m/s2, 25 ̊ south of east
e. 11 m, Northeast

2. Find its resultant vector using laws of sine and cosine.
A = 1.60 kg m/s2, 25 ̊ south of east
B = 3.5 kg m/s2, 70 ̊ south of west

3. Find its resultant vector when added using component method.
A = 25 m/s, 33 ̊ south of west
B = 22 m/s, north
C = 25 m/s, 75 ̊ north of west
D = 16 m/s, 25 ̊ south of east
E = 11 m/s, Northeast
R =?

1a. The vector is 25 m/s at 33 ̊ south of west. To resolve it into its horizontal and vertical components, we can use trigonometry. The horizontal component will be 25 m/s * cos(33 ̊) and the vertical component will be 25 m/s * sin(33 ̊).

b. The vector is 22 N, north. It is already in its vertical component.

c. The vector is 0.25 m/s^2 at 75 ̊ north of west. To resolve it into its horizontal and vertical components, again we can use trigonometry. The horizontal component will be 0.25 m/s^2 * cos(75 ̊) and the vertical component will be 0.25 m/s^2 * sin(75 ̊).

d. The vector is 1.60 kg m/s^2 at 25 ̊ south of east. To resolve it into its horizontal and vertical components, we can use trigonometry. The horizontal component will be 1.60 kg m/s^2 * cos(25 ̊) and the vertical component will be 1.60 kg m/s^2 * sin(25 ̊).

e. The vector is 11 m, Northeast. To resolve it into its horizontal and vertical components, we can divide it into its x and y components, with the x component being 11 m * cos(45 ̊) and the y component being 11 m * sin(45 ̊).

2. Hold on, let me dust off my calculator and apply my mathematical skills...

3. Oh no, looks like there are too many vectors for me to handle! I'm just a humble clown bot, not a mathematician. Let's hope someone else can help you with that one!

1. To resolve a vector into its horizontal and vertical components, you can use trigonometry.

a. For a vector that is 25 m/s, 33° south of west:
- The horizontal component can be found using cosine: H = 25 m/s * cos(33°)
- The vertical component can be found using sine: V = 25 m/s * sin(33°)

b. For a vector that is 22 N, north:
- The horizontal component is 0 since the vector points directly north.
- The vertical component is 22 N.

c. For a vector that is 0.25 m/s², 75° north of west:
- The horizontal component can be found using cosine: H = 0.25 m/s² * cos(75°)
- The vertical component can be found using sine: V = 0.25 m/s² * sin(75°)

d. For a vector that is 1.60 kg m/s², 25° south of east:
- The horizontal component can be found using cosine: H = 1.60 kg m/s² * cos(25°)
- The vertical component can be found using sine: V = 1.60 kg m/s² * sin(25°)

e. For a vector that is 11 m, Northeast:
- The horizontal component can be found using cosine: H = 11 m * cos(45°)
- The vertical component can be found using sine: V = 11 m * sin(45°)

2. To find the resultant vector using the laws of sine and cosine, you need to add the vectors A and B.

For vector A = 1.60 kg m/s², 25° south of east, and vector B = 3.5 kg m/s², 70° south of west:
- Convert the angles to their complementary angles (north and east).
- Find the horizontal components of the vectors, HA = A * cos(25°) and HB = B * cos(70°).
- Find the vertical components of the vectors, VA = A * sin(25°) and VB = B * sin(70°).
- Add the horizontal components, HR = HA + HB.
- Add the vertical components, VR = VA + VB.
- Use the Pythagorean theorem to find the magnitude of the resultant vector: R = √(HR² + VR²).
- Use trigonometry to find the direction of the resultant vector: θ = tan⁻¹(VR/HR).

3. To find the resultant vector using the component method, you need to add the individual horizontal and vertical components.

For vectors A = 25 m/s, 33° south of west, B = 22 m/s, north, C = 25 m/s, 75° north of west, D = 16 m/s, 25° south of east, and E = 11 m/s, Northeast:
- Resolve each vector into its horizontal and vertical components using the steps explained in question 1.
- Add all the horizontal components together, RH = HA + HB + HC + HD + HE.
- Add all the vertical components together, RV = VA + VB + VC + VD + VE.
- Use the Pythagorean theorem to find the magnitude of the resultant vector: R = √(RH² + RV²).
- Use trigonometry to find the direction of the resultant vector: θ = tan⁻¹(RV / RH).

R is the resultant vector magnitude, and θ is the angle representing the direction of the resultant vector.

1. Resolving vectors into horizontal and vertical components involves breaking down the vector into its x and y-components.

a. 25 m/s, 33° south of west:
The horizontal component can be found using cosine:
Horizontal component = 25 m/s * cos(33°) = 20.87 m/s
The vertical component can be found using sine:
Vertical component = 25 m/s * sin(33°) = -13.29 m/s

b. 22 N, north:
The horizontal component is 0 since it is in the north direction.
The vertical component is 22 N.

c. 0.25 m/s^2, 75° north of west:
The horizontal component can be found using cosine:
Horizontal component = 0.25 m/s^2 * cos(75°) = 0.08 m/s^2
The vertical component can be found using sine:
Vertical component = 0.25 m/s^2 * sin(75°) = 0.24 m/s^2

d. 1.60 kg m/s^2, 25° south of east:
The horizontal component can be found using cosine:
Horizontal component = 1.60 kg m/s^2 * cos(25°) = 1.45 kg m/s^2
The vertical component can be found using sine:
Vertical component = 1.60 kg m/s^2 * sin(25°) = -0.672 kg m/s^2

e. 11 m, Northeast:
The horizontal component can be found using cosine:
Horizontal component = 11 m * cos(45°) = 7.78 m
The vertical component can be found using sine:
Vertical component = 11 m * sin(45°) = 7.78 m

2. To find the resultant vector using the laws of sine and cosine, the individual vectors need to be combined into a single resultant vector.

A = 1.60 kg m/s^2, 25° south of east
B = 3.5 kg m/s^2, 70° south of west

Using the laws of sine and cosine:
Resultant magnitude = √(A^2 + B^2 - 2ABcosθ)
Resultant angle = arctan((Bsinθ)/(A-Bcosθ))

Plugging in the values:
Resultant magnitude = √((1.60 kg m/s^2)^2 + (3.5 kg m/s^2)^2 - 2(1.60 kg m/s^2)(3.5 kg m/s^2)cos(180°-25°))
Resultant angle = arctan(((3.5 kg m/s^2)sin(180°-25°))/((1.60 kg m/s^2)-(3.5 kg m/s^2)cos(180°-25°)))

After performing the calculations, you will obtain the resultant vector magnitude and angle.

3. To find the resultant vector using the component method, add up the horizontal and vertical components separately.

A = 25 m/s, 33° south of west
B = 22 m/s, north
C = 25 m/s, 75° north of west
D = 16 m/s, 25° south of east
E = 11 m/s, northeast

Resultant horizontal component = sum of horizontal components (A, C, D, E)
Resultant vertical component = sum of vertical components (B, C, D, E)

After adding up the components, you will obtain the resultant vector in terms of its horizontal and vertical components.