Which of the following is NOT an example of where you need to use a transition?

To determine which of the following is NOT an example where a transition is needed, you'll need to understand what a transition is in the context of writing. In writing, a transition is a word, phrase, or sentence that connects ideas or paragraphs, helping to create a smooth flow of thought and coherence in the text.

Now, let's examine the examples given and identify whether a transition is needed in each case:

1. Writing an essay: When writing an essay, transitions are crucial to indicate the relationships between different paragraphs or ideas. As you move from one point to another, you need appropriate transitions to make your writing coherent. Therefore, the need for transitions in essay writing indicates that this is NOT an example where a transition is not needed.

2. Delivering a speech: In oral communication, transitions serve a similar purpose as in writing. They help the speaker transition smoothly from one point to another, ensuring that the audience can follow the logical progression of ideas. Consequently, the need for transitions in speech delivery suggests that this is NOT an example where a transition is not needed.

3. Solving a math problem: Math problems typically require logical steps to arrive at the solution. Although written explanations may benefit from transitions, transitions themselves might not be explicitly required to solve the problem itself. Therefore, solving a math problem is a plausible example where a transition is not needed.

4. Sending an email: While not as formal as an essay or a speech, emails still benefit from effective organization and coherence. Transitions can help connect different sections or ideas within an email, making it clearer and easier to understand. Consequently, the need for transitions in email composition suggests that this is NOT an example where a transition is not needed.

Based on the analysis, the example that is NOT an example where a transition is needed is "solving a math problem."