Why was the Declaration of Independence important? Select all that apply

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The Declaration of Independence, signed on July 4, 1776, is an important document in the history of the United States. It played a significant role in the American Revolutionary War and the establishment of the United States as an independent nation. Here are several reasons why the Declaration of Independence was important:

1. Asserting Independence: The Declaration of Independence declared the American colonies' separation from British rule and their intention to form an independent nation. It stated that all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights, such as life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

2. Inspiration for Revolution: The Declaration of Independence served as an inspiration to revolutionaries worldwide. Its ideas of self-determination, individual rights, and government by the consent of the governed influenced many future independence movements.

3. Justification for War: The document listed a series of grievances against the British monarchy, explaining why the American colonists believed that revolution and separation were necessary. It provided a moral and legal justification for the American Revolution.

4. Foundation for American Government: The principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence, such as natural rights, popular sovereignty, and government accountability, laid the groundwork for the formation of the United States Constitution, which still governs the country today.

5. Symbol of American Values: The Declaration of Independence embodies the values of freedom, equality, and individual rights that are at the core of American identity. It continues to be regarded as a symbol of these ideals and a reminder of the nation's origins.

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