Which nonfiction genre involves true accounts of only past periods or events?


Because it says "past periods or event" and history covers the past

look for key words

The nonfiction genre that involves true accounts of only past periods or events is called "history." History is the study and interpretation of past events, particularly human affairs. If you're looking to explore this genre further, here are a few steps you can take to find books or sources related to historical accounts:

1. Visit a local library: Libraries typically have dedicated sections for history books, often categorized by time periods, regions, or specific events. Librarians can also help recommend notable works or authors within the genre.

2. Check online bookstores: Websites like Amazon or Barnes & Noble offer extensive collections of history books. You can search by category, time period, or even specific historical events to find relevant titles. Customer reviews and ratings can be useful in evaluating the quality and credibility of the works.

3. Explore reputable online resources: Many educational institutions, museums, and organizations have websites dedicated to historical research and documentation. Websites such as Encyclopedia Britannica, Smithsonian Institution, or National Archives provide reliable information and recommendations for further reading.

4. Read book reviews or watch videos: Book reviews from reputable sources like The New York Times, The Guardian, or academic journals can provide insight into highly regarded historical works. Additionally, platforms like YouTube often feature educational channels or documentaries that cover various historical topics.

Remember, while history strives to present accurate accounts of the past, biases and interpretations can exist. It's always important to critically engage with multiple sources and viewpoints to form a well-rounded understanding.