The abnormal or non-standard supply curve can be caused by various factors. Here are five common causes:

1. Technological Change: Technological advancements can significantly impact the supply curve by changing the production process. For instance, the introduction of more efficient machinery or new production techniques can increase the quantity of goods suppliers are willing to produce at a given price level. This would result in an abnormal upward shift in the supply curve.

2. Government Intervention: Government policies and regulations can also distort the supply curve. For example, taxes, subsidies, price controls, and regulations can influence the cost of production, making it more or less profitable for suppliers to produce at certain price levels. These interventions can cause the supply curve to deviate from its typical shape.

3. Natural Disasters and Environmental Factors: Natural disasters like floods, earthquakes, or droughts can disrupt production and affect the supply of goods and services. Similarly, environmental factors such as climate change or pollution can impact the availability of resources, making it harder for suppliers to produce and causing an abnormal shift in the supply curve.

4. Labor Market Conditions: The availability and cost of labor can influence the supply curve. Factors like wage rates, skill levels, and labor market regulations can affect the willingness of suppliers to produce at different price levels. Changes in these labor market conditions can lead to an abnormal movement in the supply curve.

5. Expectations of Suppliers: Supplier expectations about future market conditions can also impact the supply curve. For example, if suppliers anticipate an increase in demand or higher prices in the future, they may adjust their supply levels accordingly. Such expectations can cause a temporary abnormal movement in the supply curve.

To determine the causes of an abnormal supply curve, it is essential to analyze the specific economic context, gather relevant data, and investigate factors that might be influencing supply decisions. Examining market conditions, technological advancements, government policies, environmental factors, and suppliers' expectations can help identify the reasons behind an abnormal supply curve.