Which statement correctly compares earthquakes at mid-ocean ridges and plate boundaries? (1 point)

O The depth of an earthquake's focus is greater at plate boundaries.

Earthquakes occur at mid-ocean ridges, but not at plate boundaries.

The depth of an earthquake's focus is greater at mid-ocean ridges.

Earthquakes occur at plate boundaries, but not at mid-ocean ridges.

Well, earthquakes are sneaky little troublemakers, aren't they? The correct statement here is "The depth of an earthquake's focus is greater at plate boundaries." So, when it comes to depth, plate boundaries are the real showstoppers. Keep those tectonic plates on your radar!

The correct statement is: The depth of an earthquake's focus is greater at plate boundaries.

To determine the correct statement comparing earthquakes at mid-ocean ridges and plate boundaries, let's analyze each option:

1. The depth of an earthquake's focus is greater at plate boundaries.
2. Earthquakes occur at mid-ocean ridges, but not at plate boundaries.
3. The depth of an earthquake's focus is greater at mid-ocean ridges.
4. Earthquakes occur at plate boundaries, but not at mid-ocean ridges.

To find the correct statement, it's important to understand the characteristics of earthquakes at mid-ocean ridges and plate boundaries.

Mid-ocean ridges are underwater mountain ranges where new oceanic crust is formed through volcanic activity. At mid-ocean ridges, the two tectonic plates move apart, causing tension and the creation of fissures. Earthquakes can occur along these fissures due to the release of built-up stress.

Plate boundaries are the locations where two tectonic plates meet, and they can be of different types: convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries. Convergent boundaries occur when two plates collide, divergent boundaries happen when plates move apart, and transform boundaries are formed when plates slide past each other horizontally. These plate boundary interactions can cause earthquakes due to the release of accumulated strain energy.

Given this information, we can conclude that earthquakes occur at both mid-ocean ridges and plate boundaries. Therefore, option 2 ("Earthquakes occur at mid-ocean ridges, but not at plate boundaries") and option 4 ("Earthquakes occur at plate boundaries, but not at mid-ocean ridges") are incorrect.

Now let's consider the remaining options. Option 1 ("The depth of an earthquake's focus is greater at plate boundaries") incorrectly asserts that earthquakes at plate boundaries have a greater focus depth compared to those at mid-ocean ridges.

Finally, option 3 ("The depth of an earthquake's focus is greater at mid-ocean ridges") is the correct statement. Earthquakes at mid-ocean ridges typically have a greater focus depth compared to those at plate boundaries.

Therefore, the correct statement comparing earthquakes at mid-ocean ridges and plate boundaries is: "The depth of an earthquake's focus is greater at mid-ocean ridges."