How did the control of fire affect the development of early humans? Select the three correct answers.

Control of fire affected the development of early humans in several ways. Three correct answers would be:

1. Improved cooking and food preparation: The ability to control fire allowed early humans to cook their food, making it easier to digest and increasing the variety of foods they could consume. Cooking also helped to kill harmful bacteria and parasites in food, improving overall health and nutrition.

To find more information on this topic, you can search for "impact of fire on early human diet and nutrition."

2. Extended day-time activities: Fire provided light and warmth, extending the amount of time early humans could be active during the day. This allowed for more productivity and increased opportunities for social and cultural activities during the evenings, which may have contributed to the development of language, art, and social bonding.

To learn further about this aspect, you can search for "fire as a catalyst for early human cultural development."

3. Enhanced defense against predators: Fire acted as a deterrent and defense mechanism against dangerous animals. By keeping predators at bay, early humans were able to establish safer settlements and protect themselves and their resources.

To delve deeper into this point, you can search for "impact of fire on early human safety and defense."

Remember, these three answers have been selected as correct based on a general understanding of the topic. It is always recommended to consult academic and scholarly sources for the most accurate and detailed information.