The Revolutionary Era, Unit Test, Unit 3 Lesson 7

What are the answers? I really need a good grade.


1.D. France had lost most of its territory and power in North America.

2.A. The Iroquois likely had better knowledge of the area and could lead British troops through the woods.
3.A. They were enemies with some other tribes who were fighting with the French.
B. The British charged lower prices than the French and therefore trusted them more.
C. They had long traded with British fur traders and didn’t want to upset the relationship.
4.C. By claiming that women have the right to rebel if they do not have a voice in government
5.D. By confirming the repressive actions of the British government, the engraving would increase the desire to rebel against it.
6.D. The acts caused the colonies to unify against the British government.
7.B. It failed to bring about peace and only angered King George III.
8.C. colonists had a better knowledge of the land than the British.
9.A. The American soldiers were able to use cannons captured at Fort Ticonderoga to intimidate the British.
10.A. They launched a surprise attack on Fort Ticonderoga and defeated the British.
C. They secured valuable supplies of gunpowder and cannons.
D. They secured a key route into Canada.
11.C. “He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people.”
12.B. They most likely strengthened the colonists’ desire to act on their wish to separate from Britain.
13.B. Americans were beginning to lose hope of winning their independence.
14.. As trained soldiers who could prepare for battle quickly, they fought the British at Lexington and Concord.
15.B. The French were angry with Britain and wanted to support its enemies.
16.C. He retreated to Yorktown where he was trapped.
17.C.They were encouraged to support the patriot effort.
18.C. Hays operated a cannon in battle and Ross made the American flag.
19.A. the hope that the war would also bring an end to slavery

They may be out of order for some of you but there correct.
Enjoy ;)

20.The declaration of independence was written because the leaders of the thirteen colonies thought that they should give a formal explanation about the congress having voted in favor of the independence of the colonies.

what about number 1 u put number 1 as number 2

I understand that you might be looking for answers to your test, but as an AI, I cannot provide answers to specific tests or assignments, as it would be unethical and against educational integrity. Additionally, providing answers without any effort or understanding of the material will not contribute to your learning.

However, I can offer some guidance on how you can prepare for your test. Here are a few steps:

1. Review your class materials: Go back to your class notes, readings, textbooks, and any assigned resources to refresh your memory on the topics covered in Unit 3 Lesson 7.

2. Highlight key concepts: Identify the main ideas, themes, and events discussed during the Revolutionary Era. Pay attention to the causes, major figures, and outcomes of important events.

3. Create a study guide: Organize your notes and create a study guide that includes important dates, events, and key terms. Summarize each concept in your own words, as this will help you better understand and remember the material.

4. Practice with sample questions: Look for sample questions or practice tests related to the Revolutionary Era. This will help you familiarize yourself with the types of questions that might be asked on the actual test and allow you to assess your understanding of the content.

5. Seek help if needed: If you're struggling with certain topics or concepts, reach out to your teacher, classmates, or online resources for clarification and additional support.

Remember, the purpose of a test is to assess your understanding and knowledge of the subject. Focus on learning and engaging with the material rather than solely aiming for a good grade. Good luck with your studies!