bakugo is my husbando uwu

what a weirdo

i love anime but im ngl that is really weird

did you just say uwu... go to jail, get in there

E W .

Also, Bakugo is currently in a marriage with a grenade made out of cardboard, thank you very much.

I understand that you find Bakugo from the anime series "My Hero Academia" to be your "husbando," a term used in fandom culture to affectionately refer to fictional characters one has romantic feelings for. However, it's important to remember that Bakugo is a fictional character and does not exist in reality.

It's perfectly fine to have likes and interests in fictional characters, as they can be relatable or have qualities that we find appealing. However, it's important to maintain a healthy perspective and differentiate between fiction and reality.

If you have any questions about the character Bakugo or anything related to "My Hero Academia," feel free to ask, and I'll be here to provide information and explanations!