Advith plays a game. he picks a real number N, subtracts 2, squares that result, then adds 3. His goal is to obtain the smallest possible final number. What value of N should he pick?


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To find the smallest possible final number, let's break down the steps Advith takes:

1. Subtract 2: Let's assume Advith's initial number is N. After subtracting 2, his new number is N - 2.
2. Square the result: Squaring a number means multiplying it by itself. So, we need to calculate (N - 2)^2.
3. Add 3: Finally, Advith needs to add 3 to the squared result.

To minimize the final number, Advith wants to minimize the squared result. So, let's focus on step 2, which involves squaring (N - 2).

When a number is squared, its value becomes positive, regardless of whether the original number is positive or negative. Therefore, we want to minimize the absolute difference between N and 2.

To do this, we choose N such that it is as close as possible to 2. In other words, N should be equal to 2.

Putting it all together:
1. N - 2 = 2 - 2 = 0 (subtracting 2 from N)
2. (N - 2)^2 = 0^2 = 0 (squaring the result)
3. 0 + 3 = 3 (adding 3 to the squared result)

Therefore, Advith should pick N = 2 to obtain the smallest possible final number, which is 3.