Finish the song:ITS CORN

It seems like you would like help completing the lyrics to a song that starts with the phrase "ITS CORN". Unfortunately, without any further context, I'm unable to provide a specific answer or complete the lyrics for the song you are referring to. However, here's a helpful tip for completing song lyrics in general:

1. Familiarize yourself with the song's genre and style: Understanding the genre and style of the song you are working on can help you stay consistent with the overall feel and flow of the lyrics.

2. Focus on the theme or message: Think about what you want to convey through the lyrics. Is it a love song, an energetic anthem, or something else? Let the theme guide your creative process.

3. Consider rhyme schemes and meter: Pay attention to the song's rhythm and rhyme structure. This will help your lyrics flow smoothly and fit into the existing song structure.

4. Use brainstorming techniques: Start by jotting down any words or phrases that come to mind related to the topic you want to write about. This can help you generate ideas and inspire your creativity.

5. Experiment with different combinations: Play around with different word combinations, sentence structures, and melodies. Don't be afraid to revise and refine your lyrics until you find the perfect fit.

Remember, songwriting is a personal and creative process, and there are no right or wrong answers. So feel free to explore different ideas and have fun with it!