Access the positive role models on one behavior

Accessing positive role models for a specific behavior can be done by following these steps:

1. Identify the behavior you are interested in: First, determine the specific behavior for which you want to find positive role models. For example, if you are interested in finding positive role models for resilience, or kindness.

2. Define your criteria: Next, establish the criteria you consider important for a positive role model in regard to the chosen behavior. For example, you might look for individuals who consistently demonstrate the behavior, possess relevant skills or qualities, have achieved success in that area, or are widely respected for their actions.

3. Conduct online research: Start searching for positive role models through online resources such as websites, social media platforms, or forums dedicated to the specific behavior or topic of interest. Look for articles, blogs, videos, or profiles that highlight individuals who embody the behavior you are seeking. You can use search engines like Google, specific websites related to the behavior or topic, or social media platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

4. Utilize reputable sources: When conducting your research, it's important to use reputable sources to ensure the credibility of the role models you find. Seek out reliable websites or publications, or profiles of individuals with a proven track record in the behavior you are exploring. Look for sources that have positive reviews and are recognized for their expertise in the field.

5. Seek recommendations from others: Another way to access positive role models for a specific behavior is to ask for recommendations from people you trust or who have expertise in that area. Seek suggestions from mentors, teachers, friends, or colleagues who might be familiar with well-known role models or individuals who have made a positive impact in the chosen behavior.

6. Join communities or organizations: Engaging in communities or organizations that focus on the desired behavior can be a valuable way to meet and learn from positive role models. Attend workshops, seminars, or events related to the behavior to network with like-minded individuals who are engaging in or teaching the behavior you admire.

Remember, accessing positive role models is not limited to just observing famous or well-known individuals. Role models can also be found within your own community, among your peers, or even among family and friends who demonstrate the desired behavior. By following these steps, you should be able to access a wide range of positive role models for your chosen behavior.