A person takes a trip, driving with a constant speed of 96.5 km/h, except for a 22.0-min rest stop. If the person's average speed is 72.4 km/h, find the following.

(a) How much time is spent on the trip?

(b) How far does the person travel?

To find the time spent on the trip, we need to use the formula:

Time = Distance / Speed

The average speed is given as 72.4 km/h, so we can set up the equation:

72.4 = Total Distance / Total Time

To find the total distance, we can use the formula:

Total Distance = (Driving Speed x Driving Time) + Rest Stop Distance

The rest stop duration is given as 22.0 min, which needs to be converted to hours:

Rest Stop Time (in hours) = 22.0 min / 60

Now, let's calculate the driving and rest stop times:

Driving Time = Total Time - Rest Stop Time

We know that the driving speed is 96.5 km/h, so we can use the equation:

Driving Time = Distance / Driving Speed

Now we have all the necessary values to solve the problem.

(a) To find the time spent on the trip:

1. Calculate the Rest Stop Time (in hours) = 22.0 min / 60 = 0.367 hours
2. Solve for Driving Time: Driving Time = Distance / 96.5 km/h
3. Solve for Total Time: Total Time = Driving Time + Rest Stop Time

(b) To find the distance traveled:

1. Substitute the given average speed and solved Total Time into the formula:
72.4 km/h = Total Distance / Total Time
2. Solve for Total Distance by multiplying both sides of the equation by Total Time.

Let's calculate the answers now.