A motorist drives north for 37.0 minutes at 87.0 km/h and then stops for 15.0 minutes. He then continues north, traveling 130 km in 1.90 h.

(a) What is his total displacement?

(b) What is his average velocity?

To find the total displacement, we need to consider both the distance traveled in the north direction and the distance traveled in the south direction.

First, let's find the northward distance:

Distance = Speed x Time
Distance = 87.0 km/h x (37.0 minutes / 60 minutes) (convert minutes to hours)

Distance = 87.0 km/h x 0.617 h

Distance = 53.8 km (rounded to one decimal place)

Next, let's find the southward distance:

Distance = Speed x Time
Distance = 130 km / 1.90 h

Distance = 68.4 km (rounded to one decimal place)

To find the total displacement, we subtract the southward distance from the northward distance:

Total Displacement = Northward Distance - Southward Distance
Total Displacement = 53.8 km - 68.4 km

Total Displacement = -14.6 km (rounded to one decimal place)

(a) The motorist's total displacement is -14.6 km.

To find the average velocity, we need to consider both the magnitude and direction of the displacement:

Average Velocity = Total Displacement / Total Time

Total Time = Northward Time + Stopping Time + Southward Time

Northward Time = 37.0 minutes / 60 minutes (convert minutes to hours)
Stopping Time = 15.0 minutes / 60 minutes (convert minutes to hours)
Southward Time = 1.90 h

Total Time = (37.0 minutes / 60 minutes) + (15.0 minutes / 60 minutes) + 1.90 h

Total Time = 0.617 h + 0.250 h + 1.90 h

Total Time = 2.767 h (rounded to three decimal places)

Now we can calculate the average velocity:

Average Velocity = (-14.6 km) / (2.767 h)
Average Velocity = -5.276 km/h (rounded to three decimal places)

(b) The motorist's average velocity is -5.276 km/h.