Which of the following is NOT one of the regulations about land grants that the trustees put in place in Georgia?

To find out which of the regulations about land grants in Georgia is NOT one of the regulations put in place by the trustees, you would need to consult historical records, documents, or resources that specifically detail the regulations imposed by the trustees.

Here are the steps you can take to find the answer to your question:

1. Research primary sources: Look for primary sources such as historical documents, official records, or journals from the Georgia colony during the trustee period (1732-1752). These primary sources provide a direct account of the regulations imposed by the trustees and can give you accurate information about the land grant regulations.

2. Consult secondary sources: Check reputable secondary sources, such as books, articles, or scholarly essays, that discuss the history of Georgia and the regulations on land grants. These sources often summarize the key regulations imposed by the trustees, making it easier to identify which regulation is not part of the list.

3. Analyze historical documents: Examine the original documents related to the regulations of land grants in Georgia, such as the Trustee Charter or the Trustee's Minutes. These documents can provide specific details and insights into the regulations that were enacted.

By following these research steps, you should be able to gather accurate information about the regulations regarding land grants in Georgia imposed by the trustees.