Mitosis quick check

Ah, mitosis, the process of cell division. It's like going to a party but instead of getting a slice of cake, a cell decides to split into two. Much more dramatic, right? Anyway, let's do a quick check!

Question 1: What is mitosis?
Answer: Mitosis is the process where a cell divides into two genetically identical cells. It's like a cell's way of saying, "Hey, I'm tired, let's make a clone of me!"

Question 2: What are the stages of mitosis?
Answer: Ah, the stages of mitosis, the magical journey of cell division. We have prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. It's like a cell's own little adventure through the cell division roller coaster!

Question 3: Why is mitosis important?
Answer: Mitosis is super important because it allows organisms to grow and repair damaged cells. It's like a cell's way of saying, "Don't worry, I got your back. I'll make more of me to fix this!"

Hope that helps, and remember, science can be fun too!

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