Why was the Declaration of Independence important? Select all that apply.

• It set up the U.S. government.
• It explained the ideals of liberty, justice, and equality.
• It announced that the American colonies were separate from Great Britain.
• It gave Americans the right to vote for leaders.

To determine which options are correct, let's analyze each statement individually by considering the purpose and content of the Declaration of Independence.

1. It set up the U.S. government.
The Declaration of Independence did not directly establish the U.S. government. Instead, it served as a foundational document that justified the separation of the American colonies from Great Britain.

2. It explained the ideals of liberty, justice, and equality.
This statement is correct. The Declaration of Independence, written primarily by Thomas Jefferson, contains influential language that articulates the ideals of liberty, justice, and equality for all individuals. It asserts that all people are endowed with certain unalienable rights, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

3. It announced that the American colonies were separate from Great Britain.
This statement is correct. The Declaration of Independence officially declared the American colonies' separation from Great Britain. The document was signed on July 4, 1776, by representatives of the thirteen colonies, establishing the United States as an independent nation.

4. It gave Americans the right to vote for leaders.
This statement is not accurate. The Declaration of Independence focused on broader principles and grievances against the British monarchy rather than establishing specific rights or governmental structures for Americans.

Based on the analysis, the correct options are:
- It explained the ideals of liberty, justice, and equality.
- It announced that the American colonies were separate from Great Britain.