Which of the following file names follow basic naming convention rules

To determine which of the following file names follow basic naming convention rules, we need to consider the common guidelines for file naming.

1. No spaces or special characters: File names should not contain spaces, as they can cause issues when accessing or manipulating files. Special characters, such as ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) { } [ ] | \ / : ; " ' < > ? , should also be avoided.

2. Use alphanumeric characters: File names should consist of alphanumeric characters, which are the combination of letters (A-Z, both uppercase and lowercase) and numbers (0-9).

3. Limit the length: File names should be kept relatively short, typically under 255 characters. Although modern operating systems allow longer file names, it is still advisable to keep them concise for compatibility purposes.

Based on these rules, we can examine the given file names:

a) report_2021.docx - This file name follows all the basic naming convention rules. It does not contain spaces, special characters, and uses alphanumeric characters. It also has a standard file extension (.docx).

b) My Document.txt - This file name does not follow the basic naming convention rules as it contains a space between "My" and "Document." To adhere to the guidelines, spaces should be replaced with underscores or removed entirely.

c) *File*.jpg - This file name contains special characters (*) that are not allowed in file names according to the basic naming convention rules. Special characters should be avoided.

d) 12345.xlsx - This file name follows all the basic naming convention rules. It includes only alphanumeric characters and has a standard file extension (.xlsx).

Therefore, the file names that follow basic naming convention rules are a) report_2021.docx and d) 12345.xlsx.